Minggu, 14 September 2014

Air Motor GAST

Air motor / Air gear motor

Motor adalah penggerak yang umum dan banyak digunakan adalah menggunakan tenaga listrik dan sering disebut dengan elektro motor. Pada sebagian aplikasi elektro motor dianggap tidak dapat mewakili mungkin dikarenakan aplikasi yang khusus seperti karena power dan RPM yang dihasilkan susah diseting atau mungkin karena aplikasi yang menuntut dilarang adanya aliran listrik dan mungkin karena ambient temperatur yang sangat ekstrim diatas 60 derajad celciusKarena itu pemakaian motor yang cocok untuk hal ini adalah air motor atau sering disebut dengan pneumatic motor. Seperti halnya elektro motor variabel yang digunakan dalam menentukan model dari air motor ini adalah power ( KW atau HP) serta RPM. sementara untuk mounting juga ada yang foot mounting atau flange mounting.

Dan untuk aplikasi tercouple ke gear dinamakan Air gear motor dan pemilihan dari model harus di informasikan rationya. Yang terpenting pada penggunaan air motor adalah suplai compress air yang harus stabil dan biasanya konsumsi dari compress air ini tergantung besar kecilnya model yang digunakan (HP atau KW ), air motor cukup sederhana sekali cara kerjanya dan kebanyakan terdiri dari 2 macam type yaitu type piston  air motor dan vane air motor, walaupun ada juga yang gear.
Mengenai harga air motor ini jauh lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan  elektro motor, namun kharakteristik yang unggul dari air motor karena sifatnya explosion proof, sehingga aman dari ledakan dan kebakaran, sehingga banyak sekali air motor digunakan untuk mixer pada industri cat yang solvent base.

Hanya saja dalam mengatur besarnya tenaga serta kecepatan putar  dari pneumatic motor dapat diatur dengan mudah dan untuk mengoprasikan cukup dengan membuka dan menutup valve serta untuk besarnya tenaga/tourque pneumatic motor yang dihasilkan cukup dengan setting regulator serta kecepatan putar ( revolotion per minute ) dapat dilakukan dengan setting speed control.

air motor dalam segi maintennace cukup simple dan bisa dikatakan free maintenance, aslakan kualitas udara yang digunakan memenuhi standart atau telah melewati air treatment dengan benar.
Dari segi harga pnumatic motor atau air gear motor tentunya untuk brand dari USA dan Eropa sangat mahal sekali. Brand yang beredar di pasaran adlah PSI ( neumatic system Inc), Gast, Huco Dynatork, Globe, Atlas copco, Ingersoll Rand, Mannesmann Demag, Deprag Inc.

Jika Ingin harga air motor yang lebih ekonomis bisa menggunakan produk dari China , Taiwan atau Korea dan mungkin Dari Jepang, Air motor Harganya bisa agak murah namun sedikit sekali. Seperti Tonson air motor yang mempunyai variasi aplikasi begitu luas atau lainnya
 Dalam menentukan model dan type dari air motor ataupun air gear motor tidak ada bedanya dengan menentukan type dan model dari ectro motor atau electri gear motor  yarng digunakan yaitu tenaga /power yang dinginkan dengan standar satuan KW atau HP, selanjutnya adalah jenis dari mounting air motor apakah foot mounting atau flange mounting hal ini tergantung pada aplikasi yang digunakan. Begitu juga untuk  Pneumatic gearmotor maka perlu ditambahkan Ratio yang dinginkan.
Secara umum Air motor yang ada di pasaran sesuai standart variant nya tidak terlalu banyak dari segi power yang beredar dipasaran adalah : Power : 0.45 HP , 0.93 HP, 1.7 HP, 4 HP, 5.25 HP, 9.5 HP, dan 2.5 HP
Ratio untuk Air Gear Motor : 15:1, 10:1, 20:1, 40:1, 60:1,

- 100% Explosion-proof
- Never Burn Out
- Mounting Flexibility
- Stalling Safety
- self-Sealing & Cool Running
- All Plane Operation
- Stepless Speed Control
- Smooth Start
- Toleration of Environment

Electromagnetic Flowmeter

Seametrics Inc. is a designer and manufacturer of a wide variety of flow metering products.  Since 1990 the company has provided innovative solutions to users in industrial water treatment, energy management, irrigation, utilities, transportation, and chemical handling.  Seametrics products have a reputation for durability and accuracy at a competitive price, and are sold largely through a network of domestic and international distributors.

Seametrics flow measurements is committed to providing a broad range of flow metering products for the Industrial/Municipal and Irrigation industries in addition to a variety of OEM applications. We maintain an attitude of responsiveness to the many flow metering needs encompassed within these industries and are vigilant in our efforts at developing new flow meter products and enhancing our existing products to better serve our customers.
Since 1990, Seametrics flow measurement has been providing high-value flow meters and controls. The guiding principles have been common sense, simplicity, economy and durability. We started with mechanical insertion meters that extended the bottom of the flow range and were easy to repair. Over the years our flow meter product family has expanded to include electronic turbine flow meters, inexpensive and highly accurate mechanical low-flow meters, and a variety of flow meter controls and displays. In recent years Seametrics flow meters has become a leading manufacturer of electromagnetic meters (mag meters) in a variety of designs suitable to a wide range of applications. These include insertion, spool, and low-flow chemical-resistant mag meters.

Site Lab Ultrasonic Flowmeter

Site Libe Ultrasonic flow meters

SiteLab Ultrasonic Flow Meter is a registered US trademark by flow measurement professionals with more than 37 years of experience in flow measurement and flow standards, 34 years of which have been in the ultrasonic flow measurement field. We are pioneers in the ultrasonic flow measurement industry and possess many years of experience valuable to our customers. Primarily designed for clean liquid applications, the SiteLab will handle liquids with small amounts of suspended solids or entrained air bubbles, commonly found in industrial and mining applications.
The SiteLab units are user friendly and easily set up in just a few minutes by means of an interactive display, whereby various parameters, such as the type of fluid to be measured, pipe size, thickness of the pipe wall and material of construction, are all entered into the unit and the unit then computes the data in order to give the setting distance between the two ultrasonic sensors.

The fixed unit consists of a wall mount electronics package housed in a Nema 4X (IP65) enclosure and two clamp-on sensors that are permanently clamped to the outside of the pipe. The electronics package offers an easy to read 2-line LCD display with a 16x pushbutton keypad for setting up purposes that utilises a simple menu driven process that makes setting-up very easy and convenient for the operator. A 4-20 mA current loop output as well as pulse and frequency outputs enable the unit to be used for continuous monitoring of flow as well as for totalising and batch operations. The unit is powered from a mains or DC voltage supply.
For applications where monitoring is infrequent, or where it is required to spot-check the operation of pumps or other process equipment, such as the flow through heat exchangers, the SiteLab model SL1188P portable ultrasonic flowmeter can be used. It offers a great advantage in ease of setting up since it utilises Bluetooth communications between the flowmeter and a Tungsten Palm PDA device to allow for greater portability and increased battery life. The software included with the system enables the PDA display to be used in the same way as the interactive display on the model SL1188 fixed unit. The PDA display and stylus offers the same functions and ease of setting up of parameters that are downloaded to the flowmeter by Bluetooth wireless technology from up to 10 m away. The Tungsten PDA offers enhanced functions for logging and trending in a realtime environment or for later visual interpretation with its unique graphing function.
The SiteLab SL1188P portable ultrasonic flowmeter is supplied in a handy and lightweight carry case with the flowmeter, sensors, PDA, battery charger and all standard accessories. The flowmeter itself is supplied in a separate leather carry case with a shoulder strap for ease of use. Measurement is unaffected by the fluid viscosity or conductivity, and since it is a clamp-on device, it is non-intrusive and offers a low cost of installation.

The fixed unit consists of a wall mount electronics package housed in a Nema 4X (IP65) enclosure and two clamp-on sensors that are permanently clamped to the outside of the pipe. The electronics package offers an easy to read 2-line LCD display with a 16x pushbutton keypad for setting up purposes that utilises a simple menu driven process that makes setting-up very easy and convenient for the operator. A 4-20 mA current loop output as well as pulse and frequency outputs enable the unit to be used for continuous monitoring of flow as well as for totalising and batch operations. The unit is powered from a mains or DC voltage supply.
For applications where monitoring is infrequent, or where it is required to spot-check the operation of pumps or other process equipment, such as the flow through heat exchangers, the SiteLab model SL1188P portable ultrasonic flowmeter can be used. It offers a great advantage in ease of setting up since it utilises Bluetooth communications between the flowmeter and a Tungsten Palm PDA device to allow for greater portability and increased battery life. The software included with the system enables the PDA display to be used in the same way as the interactive display on the model SL1188 fixed unit. The PDA display and stylus offers the same functions and ease of setting up of parameters that are downloaded to the flowmeter by Bluetooth wireless technology from up to 10 m away. The Tungsten PDA offers enhanced functions for logging and trending in a realtime environment or for later visual interpretation with its unique graphing function.
The SiteLab SL1188P portable ultrasonic flowmeter is supplied in a handy and lightweight carry case with the flowmeter, sensors, PDA, battery charger and all standard accessories. The flowmeter itself is supplied in a separate leather carry case with a shoulder strap for ease of use. Measurement is unaffected by the fluid viscosity or conductivity, and since it is a clamp-on device, it is non-intrusive and offers a low cost of installation.The fixed unit consists of a wall mount electronics package housed in a Nema 4X (IP65) enclosure and two clamp-on sensors that are permanently clamped to the outside of the pipe. The electronics package offers an easy to read 2-line LCD display with a 16x pushbutton keypad for setting up purposes that utilises a simple menu driven process that makes setting-up very easy and convenient for the operator. A 4-20 mA current loop output as well as pulse and frequency outputs enable the unit to be used for continuous monitoring of flow as well as for totalising and batch operations. The unit is powered from a mains or DC voltage supply.
For applications where monitoring is infrequent, or where it is required to spot-check the operation of pumps or other process equipment, such as the flow through heat exchangers, the SiteLab model SL1188P portable ultrasonic flowmeter can be used. It offers a great advantage in ease of setting up since it utilises Bluetooth communications between the flowmeter and a Tungsten Palm PDA device to allow for greater portability and increased battery life. The software included with the system enables the PDA display to be used in the same way as the interactive display on the model SL1188 fixed unit. The PDA display and stylus offers the same functions and ease of setting up of parameters that are downloaded to the flowmeter by Bluetooth wireless technology from up to 10 m away. The Tungsten PDA offers enhanced functions for logging and trending in a realtime environment or for later visual interpretation with its unique graphing function.
The SiteLab SL1188P portable ultrasonic flowmeter is supplied in a handy and lightweight carry case with the flowmeter, sensors, PDA, battery charger and all standard accessories. The flowmeter itself is supplied in a separate leather carry case with a shoulder strap for ease of use. Measurement is unaffected by the fluid viscosity or conductivity, and since it is a clamp-on device, it is non-intrusive and offers a low cost of installation.

About Us

PT. WIRATAMA MITRA ABADI is a national company that was founded in 2004 committed to providing services industry into the world in order to increase the productivity and efficiency of in accordance with the field we have.
PT. Wiratama Mitra Abadi supported by staff with dedication and responsibility as well as high consistency world ready to help maintain smooth production industry through the work of overhauling, installation, maintenance, machinning, fabrication and modification.
In connection with the passage of time and experience in the world of manufacturing industry, PT Wiratama Mitra Abadi lasting many limitations to meet the purchasing department for procurement of spare parts production machinery or other equipment. This is caused by the lack of a distributor or agent in Indonesia or indent is too long and the lack of knowledge about the techniques and equipment spare parts the engine.
With a background in engineering and purchasing network controlled or directly import
to europe, america, japan, korea and china PT. Wiratama Mitra Abadi since 2007 has helped many customers in the procurement of various spare parts and equipment as well as good production machine with rupiah currency, the euro, the yen and the dollar. Procurement of machinery and equipment parts such as Flow measurement, level sensor, gas analyzer, industrial connector, Oil skimmer, PLC, Sesnor, Clutch and brake, Servo, Bearing, hydraulic,  pneumatic, flow meters and others.  
Line Of Business
Experience and capabilities who owned by Wiratama Mitra Abadi timeless during this can be at summarize and in grouped inside field of-field of which dikusai as follows:
1. Technical Supply :
Flow Measurement, Flow meter, Water Meter, Gas Meter, Level sensor, Flow Gauge, Oil skimmer, Hydraulic Parts,  Connector , Gas analyzer, Hydraulic Seal, Pneumatic parts, hydraulic Cylinder, Seal Kit, Level control, Reflex Sensor, UPS, Spiral Bavel Gear, Clutch and Brake, Linning clutch, Belt Skimmer, Floating Oil Skimmer, Hydraulic Breaker, Hydraulic Hammer, Precission Bearing, Quick die Change, Hydraulic dies clamp, Pneumatic Gear Motor, Air Motor, Oil cooler, Fan Blower, diaphragm pump, Axial Blower, Index units, Stepping Motor, Connector Harting, Connector Nanaboshi, Position gate, Portable Flow Meter, Ultrasonic flow meter , Lubricating Pump, Diaphragm Pump, Etc
2. Workshop  ( Improvement, Modification, Repair and Manufacture )
Machinning Milling, lathe, Grinding, Welding, gear, Jig and fixture, dies, cylinder hydraulic , pneumatic cylinder, pulley, flange,  Gear, Punch, Stamp Holder, Stamp Marking, Ejector Pin, Shear Balde, Cutting Angle, Isolator Hanger, Spot Pin, Mould, Taper Jig, Cones, Bushing, Fitting, Shaft, Cam Slider, Shuttle Roller, Driven Roller, Bracket, etc
Hard Chrome : Crank Shaft, Rod & Tube Hydraulic , Roll Met, Alumunium, Linner, Moulding, Dies, Shaft, Screw, Jig, Stainless Steel, Rel Guide, Beading Roll, Pin Core, aksesoris, etc
3. Installation, Over Haul, Recondition and Maintenance
Mechanical Press Machine, Hydraulic Press Machine , Expander, Die Casting Machine, Forging Press, Roller, Sprue Cutting, Chiller, AC Central, Screw Compressor, Drill Multi Machine, Conveyor, Shot Blasting, Boiler, Gear Box, Pump, Hydrant.
4. Fabrication
Conveyor, Railling, Gate,  Piping, Trolley, Rack, Conveyor, Canopy, Box, Table, stainless steel works, etc
To achieve the objectives of the company, PT. WIRATAMA MITRA ABADI will always develop and expand cooperation with other parties, through a mechanism that supports each other, and a commitment to develop and provide satisfaction to our customers and partners.
Info Perusahaan
Tipe Bisnis :PT ( Perusahaan Perdagangan , Agen , Distributor/Grosir )
Alamat :Jawa Barat
Jumlah Karyawan:1-49 person
Modal Usaha :IDR . 0
Tahun berdiri :2004
Bidang Usaha :industrial technical supllier
Perdagangan :
Kebutuhan IndustriElektronik & ElektrikEnerji

Rabu, 10 September 2014

Connector Nanaboshi

Connector Nanaboshi

Connector Nanaboshi diklasifikasikan dalam dua catagory yaitu type S dan type G. Nanaboshi Connector hanya mempunyai konstruksi berbentuk bulat yang sering disebut dengan istilah circular connector.  Ada dua bagian utama pada connector nanaboshi yaituplug and receptacle.
Sedangkan untuk contact ada male contact dan female contact sementara contact tersebut di asembly dalam insulator yang disebut dengan insert yang juga ada dua type yaitu socket insert dan pin insert..

Connector Nanaboshi

Connector nanboshi cukup banyak sekali variant nya berikut ini karakteristik tentangconnector nanaboshi :
  • Jumlah Contact / pin : tersedia dari 1 contact hingga 40 contact
  • Rating of ampere : tersedia dari 5 Ampere hingga 500 ampere
  • Rating of voltage : tersedia dari 125 volt hingga 660 volt
  • Matrial untuk shell / body : zinc alloy, Syntetic resin , alumunium alloy, Brass die casting. 
  • Matrial insulator  : Syntetic resin, , epoxy resin, 
  • Matrial contact : cooper alloy dengan finishing nickel plating, silver plating atau gold plating
  • Finishing shell / body : crape chrome plating, blacken ( black chemical plating ), chrome plating. 
Nanaboshi Connector

Model / series dari connector Nanaboshi untuk info lebih lanjut silahkan di click / download :

Flowmeter For Limbah

Flow Meter Air Limbah
Pada peroses pengolahan air limbah ( waste water treatment ) di industry banyak digunakan alat untuk mengukur debit air yang dalam hal ini flow meter. Flow meter pada proses air limbah biasanya di pasang pada saluran masuk dan saluran keluaran atau saluran ...

Gas Flow Meter

Gas Flow Meter

Gas Meter
Gas Flow Sensor
Gas flow meter is used to measure a fluid that has the characteristics such as gas and not only on a narrow understanding of gases such as natural gas and propane. The discussion here is the gas flow meter is used to measure the flow of a fluid in a form that has a gas, not a liquid and a solid. Therefore, applications for gas flow meter can be used for CNG, LPG​​, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Air, Argon, a mixture of various gases and hot air or steam. With the character of the gas in which the determination of volume or weight is strongly influenced by the temperature and pressure of the gas is more difficult to make measurements when compared with liquid.
Several different designs of gas meters are commonly used, depending on the volume of gas flow rate to be measured, the range of flows anticipated, the type of gas being measured and other factors. he use of gas flow meter wide enough for both oil and gas sector, manufacturing, households, farms, laboratories, hospitals and mines. In determining the types and models of gas flow meter should be based on the function and the location where the gas flow meter is installed.  To needs at home, certainly not in the same hotel if used for industrial or hospital. Gas flow meter is used for combustion processes such as stoves, boilers, power plants, or burner must have a different character if the flow meter is used to oxygen, nitrogen, argon, steam and other gases are applied to production.

1. Laminar Flow Meters

Laminar flow meter is based on the utilization of pressure drop through the laminar flow element to measure the mass flow rate of the fluid. Laminar flow elements that form a very thin line serves to separate the turbulent flow of gas . With the reduced diameter of the flow channel will affect the pace will be laminar through the channel.  Laminar flow meter using the pressure drop created in the laminar flow element to measure the mass flow rate of the fluid . A laminar flow element taking turbulent flow and separated into a thin line . By reducing the diameter of the flow channel and affect the speed , the flow becomes laminar through the channel .
The pressure drop due to pass through the channel will cause a pressure difference will be measured using differential pressure sensor. By using the Poiseuille equation can be connected to the pressure drop volumetric flow rate . So that the rate of volume can be converted into flow rate using the density correction at a certain pressure and temperature.  Features of laminar flow meter : The pressure drop is proportional to the volumetric air flow rate, Wide dynamic range with no lower limit, High accuracy with linear scale, Low pressure drop, Fast response, Available small flow range.

Thermal mass flow meters generally use combinations of heated elements and temperature sensors to measure the difference between static and flowing heat transfer to a fluid and infer its flow with a knowledge of the fluid's specific heat and density. The fluid temperature is also measured and compensated for. If the density and specific heat characteristics of the fluid are constant, the meter can provide a direct mass flow readout, and does not need any additional pressure temperature compensation over their specified range.
Technological progress has allowed the manufacture of thermal mass flow meters on a microscopic scale as MEMS sensors; these flow devices can be used to measure flow rates in the range of nano liters or micro liters per minute.
Thermal mass flow meter (also called thermal dispersion flow meter) technology is used for compressed air, nitrogen, helium, argon, oxygen, and natural gas. In fact, most gases can be measured as long as they are fairly clean and non-corrosive. For more aggressive gases, the meter may be made out of special alloys (e.g. Hastelloy), and pre-drying the gas also helps to minimize corrosion.
Today, thermal mass flow meters are used to measure the flow of gases in a growing range of applications, such as chemical reactions or thermal transfer applications that are difficult for other flow metering technologies. This is because thermal mass flow meters monitor variations in one or more of the thermal characteristics (temperature, thermal conductivity, and/or specific heat) of gaseous media to define the mass flow rate
3. Coriolis Flow Meters
Coriolis Mass Flow meters s a mass flow meter that measures mass flow, density and temperature (volume flow calculated) of liquids, slurries and multi-phase liquids directly without going through calculation process based on other variables. The mass flow sensing element is composed of a pair of bent tubes, vibrators and displacement sensors. The trick here is to detect the Coriolis force applied on the tube by the flowing fluid inside the bent oscillating tube. In order to do that the vibrators vibrates the bent tubes at the natural frequency of the tubes. When there's a flow inside the tubes, the Coriolis force at work distorts the vibration of the tubes. This distortion can be measured using the displacement sensors. The amount of distortion is directly proportional to the mass flow of the liquid inside the tube. By accurately processing the displacement, the accurate mass flow is directly measured. Liquids, slurry and multi phase (liquid mixed with air bubbles or solids) can be measured. It boasts strong immunity to noise, high accuracy, wide turndown ratio, stability and reliability. Simple design allows for simple installation, operation and maintenance. It has no moving parts. And it doesn't require any special devise for installation and it doesn't require flow profile stabilization, meaning it doesn't require straightner or straight pipe sections either upstream or downstream. The wetted parts are made of stainless steel and therefore can be used for corrosive liquids.

4. Turbine Flow Meters
Turbine meters have found widespread use for accurate liquid and gas measurement applications. The unit consists of a multiple-bladed rotor mounted with a pipe, perpendicular to the liquid flow. The rotor spins as the liquid passes through the blades. The rotational speed is a direct function of flow rate. Electrical pulses can be counted and totallizer. Fluid flowing through the sensor shell, because of the impeller blade and to have a certain Angle, the fluid force makes the blade with rotational torque, to overcome the friction moment and fluid resistance, blade rotation speed stability after the moment balance, under certain conditions, the speed is proportional to the velocity of flow, magnetic conductivity due to the blade, it is in signal detector (composed of permanent magnets and coils) magnetic field, rotating blade cutting lines, periodically changing coil magnetic flux, so that the coil ends of inductive electric pulse signal, the signal after amplifier amplification plastic, form a continuous rectangular pulse amplitude, can be spread far to display instrument, show the instantaneous flow and cumulative amount of the fluid. Within the scope of the certain traffic, pulse frequency f and is directly proportional to the instantaneous flow rate Q of the fluid flowing through the sensor.
 It features :

  • Highly accurate and repeatible
  • Eexcellent long-term reliability Installation flexibility
  • Economic and cost-effective solution for applications requiring high accuracy
  • Only one moving part reduces maintenance cost
  • A wide selection of materials A wide selection of output options
5. Vortex flow Meters
Vortex flow meter is a internationally advanced new type of flow meter, it is developed based on Karman Vortex Street Theory. It is applicable to the measurement of super heated steam, saturated steam, general gas and liquid.
6. Variable Area Flow Meters
Variable Area Flow Meter also known as metal tube rota meter is a kind of measuring meter which the flow rate is changing along with the area and is widely used in the process control of industrial automation.It has the merit of little volume, broad measuring range and convenience for use.

  • Firm work, little maintenance and long life
  • Low requirements to straight pipe part
  • Broader ratio of flow rate 10:1
  • Two-wire LCD indicator; instant/accumulated display of flow rate are available; back light option.
  • Single axis and sensitive display
  • Rotation of non-contact magnetic coupling
  • Can be applied to hazardous occasions such as flammable and explosive ones
  • All-metal structure, fit for high temperature, high pressure and mediums with strong erosion.
  • Power supply such as two-wire system, battery, alternating current option
  • Multi-parameters calibration function
  • Function of date recovery, date copy and power-off protection

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Battery PoweredFlowmeter

Battery Powered Flow Meter

 Battery Powered Flow Meter

 Stratified fluid piping design for two-channel measurement, measurement accuracy
·      Range than the width, and less than 0.01m / s starting flow
·     Display large amount of information, with the screen display 9 digital display four cumulative flow and instantaneous flow figures
·  Design of energy-saving, power-saving features such as automatic meter will empty tube or long-term fluid standstill
·     Full IP68 protection class design, the components completely sealed to protect, even if the water can be long-term work
·    Design at the time, there were a total of records and data collection functions on the month, day
·     With multiple communication interface mode; TTL level pulse output and USART interface for easy connection to other low power devices; standard RS485 interface; infrared communication interface; support CJ-188 communication protocol.
·   Supports standard MODBUS, M-BUS, HART communication protocol, compatible communications protocol Haifeng ASC code
·         Output signal and diverse: Available two isolated pulse signal output, (which pulse and pulse width equivalent programmable); may also 4-20mA two-wire output
·        With online software upgrades
·        With Dual PT1000 temperature measurement function, can achieve heat measurement
·        Built-quantitative control can be achieved manually or set the time automatically start controller, thus achieving automatic timing quantitative or quantitative irrigation water
·        Depending on customer needs to select a variety of units, including cubic US gallons, cubic feet and liters
·        Built-in lithium battery, the battery life of more than 6 years

Technical Parameter

Accuracy class
2 (measurement period: 1 second)
Turndown ratio
100, initiating a flow rate of less than 0.006m / s
Measurement Range
Water, sewage, water (other liquids to be customized), and full pipeline
Measuring medium temperature
Work environment
Temperature: -10 ~ 45 ; humidity ≤100% (RH)
Pressure Rating
1.6MPa / 2.5MPa optional
Upstream of the flow field sensitivity level
Downstream flow field sensitivity level
Climatic and mechanical environmental safety rating
Grade C
Electromagnetic Compatibility Level
E2 level
Communication Interface
RS485 / USART / IR / USART serial communication bus, etc. Optional
The output signal
4-20mA analog two-wire output (two-way isolation OCT or TTL optional, pulse width programmable)
Communication protocol
Haifeng fully compatible protocol (individual very distinct command) also supports the standard MODBUS, M-BUS, CJ-188 communication protocol
Heat measurement
Access Dual PT1000 achieve heat measurement
Power supply
Built-in lithium battery (3.6V) / External DC5 ~ 40V
Protection class
Local Display
Two-line display includes nine cumulative amount, four instantaneous flow, as well as prompt and unit status
Data Storage
Using EEPROM / FLASH to store data, cumulative flow automatically record 128 months ago, the first 512 days
Flow measurement cycle
Measuring status: 1 times / sec (also can be set to 2 to 4 times / sec); verification status: 4 times / sec
Power and Power
Built-in 3.6V lithium battery can be used continuously for more than six years, external DC8-36V

Flow Range

Nominal diameter
Turndown ratio
Flow rate (m3/ h)
Starting flow
Minimum flow Q1
Transitional flow Q2
Common flow Q3
Overload flow Q4

Size and Weight  

Threaded connection
Effective thread length
Pressure Rating
A pipe thread
Port Thread B


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